Reading Habits

    Reading is one of those things that just about everyone you meet will have a different opinion about. I personally have tons of friends who are obsessed with reading - and I mean OBSESSED. It makes me feel like I'm totally against reading. 

    Don't get me wrong, I do like to read. I'm just not obsessed with it. I prefer reading in moderation. I go through phases. Half the time I adore reading, and half the time I can't sit still for even two minutes with a book.  
    I guess I'm more of a writer. For me, it seems much more enjoyable when I can make characters do whatever I want them to. When I can control them. 

    However, sometimes I read a lot. Like a lot-lot. Sometimes it actually surprises me how much I've read. I'm not a reader, I think to myself. But somehow, I read? 

    I have recently found that along with strengthening your brain and increasing your memory, reading may also help you live longer and reduce stress levels. Well, that's if you ever even get around to reading. I mean let's face it, who really has the time to read

    It surprises me how much some people read. Like it's the most important thing in their lives. They'll sit down with a book and not get up for hours. If that's you, I'd say you're lucky. I can't do that. 

    For one, I'm way too busy. School, family, friends, activities, you name it. I try to prioritize my time and although I wish it weren't true, reading often falls to the bottom of my list. 

    For two, I just can't seem to get lost in a book the way some people do. I try. I really do. But seriously, I just don't have that kind of attention span. Maybe it's my generation. I mean, people are constantly telling me that I should read more and have less screen time. 

    I guess I agree with that. Reading is a lot better for the brain than sitting in front of a screen for an hour. Perhaps that should be my new year's resolution: To read more. (Even though it's been over a week since new year's.)

    So that settled. From now on, I'll read more. (Yay!)


What are your usual reading habits?


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